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Simply English

Simply English Valentine’s Day Concert

February 14, 2024


February 14, 18.00, Civil Közösségek háza díszterme


Simply English (Andy Rouse, Horváth Zsombor, Császár Róbert) with Lenthár Balázs and Gabriella Vöő

During the concert there will be many a song of love and lust.

The legend of St. Valentine goes back to the pagan festival of Lupercalia, when men whipped women in blood-soaked sheep- and goatskins to make them fertile. Later, the Christian Church adopted the date as St. Valentine’s Day. We’re not certain who Valentine might have been, as there were several!

In a famous medieval love letter of 1477, now housed in the British Library, Margery Brews addresses her suitor John Paston as „my right well-beloved Valentine”. (And America hadn’t even been discovered, so you can’t blame the USA card industry!)

The central tragedy of Thomas Hardy’s novel Far From the Madding Crowd originates with a fake declaration of love in a letter from a lady farmer to her older farming neighbour.

Entry at the door is free for SPECHEL members, on presentation of a membership card, and 500 forints for non-members. Contributions to the venue hire are gratefully received.

2024 SPECHEL membership (HUF2000) can be paid at the venue (in which case there is free entry to the event).


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