magyar english
Simply English


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  Biztonsági kérdés: Mennyi négyszer öt (számmal)?



Dave Maddocks [] 2021. szeptember 5. 19:13
Many thanks Andy and Zsombor for a great night at the Magyarhertelend brewery. Your choice of songs fitted the occasion perfectly. The beer was bloody good as well.


Chris Heppa [] 2015. augusztus 22. 20:01
Simply English have produced a new CD called Caravan, an album based around Romany gypsy themes and songs. There is a wide variety of material on the album, and I think that anyone with a love of traditional music will enjoy it. I particularly like their treatment of two 'Child' ballads, Lord Bateman and the Raggle Taggle Gypsies. The story of Bateman is both interesing and romantic, dealing as it does with the way in which 'true love' can cut across cultural boundaries and will persist despite the passage of time and geographical distance. The Gypsies carries a very powerful and radical message, when the lady of the story firmy states that she prefers life on the road with the gypsies rather than with her wealthy 'own wedded lord'. The Gypsies starts very slowly and gradually develops to a crescendo. Oko Vela is of interest in that it is a Romany song which was collected both in England and in Hungary, and is set here to the well known tune Bobby Shafto. It is sung by Bulsu in Romany language. There is a 19th century 'murder ballad' which was very popuar in its day, The Red Barn Murder, and the band set the story of Maria Marten's murder by William Corder to a very interesting and appropriate tune that I hadn't heard before. For me, some tracks don't work quite so well. Pretty Little Sarah is a version of Underneath Her Apron, to me a rather slight song, and the Robin Hood songs presented here failed to move me. The great triumph of the album, however, (for me anyway), is Me and My Dawg, a song learned in Suffolk by Andy, which features acapella in an earlier Simply English album. In this version, they have added guiar and fiddle, which enhances the song no end. This is a very well known gypsy poaching song in England, also known as While Gamekeepers Lie Sleeping and Hares in the Old Plantation. It is an interesting song in that the poacher is actually successful, whereas in most poaching songs, the poachers come off very badly, incurring prison, transportation and even execution. I have heard many traditional and revival versions of the song, and I have no hesitation in saying that this is the best version of the song that I have ever heard. Overall this is an excellent lbum which commemorates Simply English being in existence for 20 years, and I recommend that you get yourselves a copy.
Chris Heppa, Chelmsford, England.


Margaret McMullan [] 2010. október 13. 08:51
You and Simply English were simply wonderful! My son James and I just came back from your concert -- we had such a grand time. Thank you! It was just delightful.


MERLiN Színház [] 2010. január 6. 13:43
Tisztelt Simply English!

Szívesen felvenném önökkel a kapcsolatot, egy esetleges felkérés reményében, de sajnos nem tudom az elérhetőségüket...
Ha küldenének egy emailt az elérhetőségükkel, megköszönném!
Benedek György


Jamie [] 2009. október 3. 21:59
Brilliant.... Great job. Nice going Ábel. És mi van ha nem tudok számolni???? :D


David Atkinson [] 2005. december 26. 22:25
Your email prompted me that I'd meant to email thanks for the Canakins CD, which Malcolm sent on, and to say how much I've enjoyed it now that I've had time to listen to it properly. That Elizabethan stuff is some of it very good indeed but it tends to be overlooked by the folkie fraternity. Well done!
David Atkinson
editor, English Folk Dance and Song Society


Büki Zoltán [] 2005. július 4. 11:40
Hello Andy! Remekül éreztük magunkat nálatok a hétvégén. Remélem, hamarosan viszonozhatjuk a vendéglátást!


Antal Áron [] 2005. június 29. 10:44
nagyon tetszett a koncert a Danteban, a Corvinában sikerült végülis megvenni a cd-t, azt hallgatjuk a Dáviddal, és várjuk hogy mihamarább láthassuk a zenekart élőben. Életreszóló zene a tietek.


Szekeres Kálmánné [] 2005. április 21. 18:19
Andy, a koncert utáni zűrzavarban nem tudtunk beszélgetni. Így most röveiden. 1. Köszönöm, hogy ilyen határozottan hívtál, sajnálhattam volna, ha nme vagyok ott. 2. Csak gratulálni tudok, óriási teljesítmény volt. Szerintem kíméletesebb is lehetnél magadhoz. 3. Nagyon tetszett a hangod, az éneklési stílusod, a műsor szerkezete és az előadás egésze. Bravo! Köszönöm, hogy ott lehettem. Szeretettel üdvözöllek Márta


Tibor Udvarhelyi [] 2004. március 3. 09:58
Andy! Tegyetek fel egy-egy számot demo-ként a honlapra, hadd hallgassam meg. Szia A good old friend from the Double Locks


Milan [] 2003. október 3. 17:18
I'm looking forward to see the bend playing in Zagreb. And it's a great site too.


Szedlay Gyöngyi [] 2003. július 15. 00:25
Mindkettõnkbõl kedves öregasszony válik (ha csak ezen múlik a dolog). Jók voltatok, köszönjük. Gyöngyi


Szõdy Judit [] 2003. július 14. 22:46
Sziasztok! Most értem haza a Kaláka Fesztiválról, és még mindig elégedetten mosolygok. Nehezen múlik el,na. Ez az állapot a Simply English koncert alatt alakult ki nálam. Amikor bizonyossá vált, hogy nem játszotok a folk kocsmában, kicsit legörbült a szám, de aztán eszembe jutott a Szomszéd macskája, és, tessék, megint itt a mosoly. Tudtok valami ellenszert? Bár, lehet, hogy nem is kell. Ha így maradok, legalább biztosan kedves öregasszony válik majd belõlem. További sok sikert! Judit


Lidia [] 2003. június 5. 08:38
I like English language so I like Your page too,because it is in English.You are great.


Vesp [] 2002. november 8. 16:38
It's very nice page! You see I am from Poland and I can't write in English ver well. But I am only 17 years old. I change my English soon. Plis send to me: my mail is


Bajnai Agnes [] 2001. április 1. 19:16
Dear Andy, you sang beautifully, thank you and the band very much for the performance, the teachers loved it! love: Agi


John Goodluck [] 1999. október 18. 13:56
glad you enjoy the music. get in touch if you would like to hear more.


Bulcsu Babarci [] 1999. szeptember 16. 21:31
Hi, Andy! Nice info about the drink'n'roll band of Pecs! I'm gonna come back frequently. Please, inform me about the gigs.


jennifer brown [] 1999. szeptember 16. 07:05
I enjoy medieval music. I would like to order some. also, looking for a song called benjamin bowmaneer.


Keresztény Béla [] 1999. szeptember 13. 17:46
Üdv! Keri!


Esztella Rouse [] 1999. június 22. 20:44
Oh! God ! S.E. is cool dood ! Man ! You should hear them ! Fans just melt into their arms .


Gergely Zsuzsa [] 1999. június 4. 09:55
Hello hubby


Jhon McLaughlin [] 1999. április 30. 11:08
This is very good website, but my problems is the sounds. I didn't listen some sounds.


Sandra Rouse-Nuss [] 1999. április 19. 19:08
I was looking at Rouse information on the web, and came across your page. I have never heard, but sounds like my kind of music. I do not buy things over the net, but will try to get your albums here in the states if that is possible? Sincerely, Sandra Rouse-Nuss


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